
溫哥華YVR* 🏀 #NBACanadaSeries *WARRIORS vs Raptors! ^^=

thnx you boys for bringing my home 415 to my Canadian home 604 – sorry 6ix & Canada, cheering for WARRIORS all the way at Rogers Arena!
not long til the DUBS slay the new NBA season!!

instagram.com/p/BLDC76LDWyN | #kikikatinVancouver

Image: KittY NG / @kikikat_foodindex

Ethiopian Cuisine @NYC.

Meskerem Ethiopian Cuisine on LES – you have to taste a culture to understand it! ^^=

Image: KittY NG / @kikikat_foodindex

Other than their amazing coffee beans, Ethiopian cuisine is woven from a diverse mix of 80+ ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. Eating utensils are mainly your own right hand and injera, aka the “spoon”, this sour and spongy flatbread which i personally find it quite acidic. Lentil, bean, meat and veggies are prepared into wat (stew/curry like..) these pungent “curries” are blended with hot berbere spice, which are served & piled on top of the big round injera. Def’ one unique & fiery experience!!
instagram.com/p/BKr44eqDdOL @kikikat_foodindex

Meskerem Ethiopian Cuisine
124 Macdougal St
New York NY 10012

*Lower East Side – Greenwich Village.

HERMÈS AT WORK – A Rendez-Vous with Hermés Craftsmen

Four autumns ago, i had the privilege to experience this magnificent rendezvous with #HermesArtisan in SF* so breathtaking that i went back twice! ^^=

HERMÈS AT WORK – A Rendez-Vous with Hermés Craftsmen }


Image: KittY NG / @kikikat_foodindex

This impressive showcase of luxury craftsmanship is still as mesmerizing as i remembered. A little rotation with their artisans this time, instead of the shirtmaker & gold gilder, this tour brought in the porcelain painter & the silk engraver. All of their talent and meticulous fabrication will forever be mind babbling #hermesatwork

instagram.com/p/BKy_7cgjNwH | #kikikatinVancouver